WooMeNow Experience Viewing Concept

Web application that offers curated dating experiences to inspire and encourage couples, families and friends to maintain healthy relationships.



Project Details

Timeline: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022

Project Type: Freelance Project

Role: UI/UX Designer

Tools/Software Used:

  • WordPress

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Google Docs/ Google Drive

  • Paper and Pencil

  • Figma

  • Miro


Create a new method to view date night experiences in each city.


Project Summary

The Challenge:

Specific problem: Need a more intuitive way to view experiences available in each location.

User Needs:

  • See excursions in one place

  • The location should be the main filter

  • Fewer clicks (the current system is too “labor intensive”

  • Should be scalable for future additions (both city-wise and experience-wise)

Business Requirements:

  • Create one place for all excursions to be shown so CEO can send people to one page to view all available experiences

  • Promotional point for getting stakeholders on board and more businesses who want more exposure through this program

  • Easy enough to add experiences that CEO can do himself

Pain Points:

  • Not scalable

  • Current system is too clunky and labor-intensive

  • Adding experiences takes too much time

Technical Constraints:

  • Limited by free plugins (or cheap) provided from WordPress

  • Might end up being a custom script injection (might need someone more familiar with building components like that that require a database to house the experiences)

KPIs to Keep in Mind:

  • Overall site visits

  • Page retention

  • Number of orders

  • Average usage time

The CEO of WooMeNow approached me about creating new functionality that would allow his customers easier access to view the available date night excursions. The original design was a simple product view with cards to show each excursion option. You could click on a “city” card to view the excursions in each city, however, you would have to go to a separate page for each city.

In the future, he plans to expand to several major cities, so keeping that in mind, the current design wouldn’t be scalable. He needed a new method for his customers to view each date night excursion all in one place. In the end, a map function was designed that allowed him to create “excursion points” shown on a map you could use the filter options to narrow down possibilities and click “into” points to further zoom into an area with multiple excursions. Similar to how Google map operates, this function would show the details of the excursion once clicked on and provide a booking button to allow a quick “one-stop-shop” for all available date night experiences.

Target Users

  1. Customers looking for a unique date night experience

    • Easy way to view date night experiences available (all in one page)

    • Quick access to buy experiences and quick checkout

  2. Companies wanting their business to gain more promotion

    • Need the ability to add deals to their own business experience listing


Ran a competitive analysis to determine successful event platforms (ticket companies such as ticket master and map platforms like WAZE and google maps). Since we wanted to simplify the experience and keep it all on one page rather than sending the user off to different “region-based” pages to view the experiences available, the design focused on how to bring all the experiences to one page of the website.

Also having location as the primary filter helped to narrow down that the design should be focused around a map feature to view where the experiences are happening around the world. You could then zoom into each region to view the specific experiences available.

This design removed the need for unnecessary clicks from going around the site trying to find what’s available in each region and instead has all of your options collected under the map for ease of viewing. You could also click on each point on the map to view a “quick summary”, that, if you clicked on, could take you to the individual experience’s page to view all information pertaining to the experience. This also made it scalable for any future additional experiences.

As for how these features address the goals, it collapsed available options into one page so it became one page for the owner to send clients/customers to view available experiences. They also made it simpler for businesses to be found in each location, thereby reducing the effort required by the user significantly. Since there wasn’t a breadcrumb trail before remember what you’ve seen and haven’t seen was a hassle. Now with the map view, they could check a specific area(s) and view all hits in the list below the map.



Project Success Metrics

Since this was just rolled out as a future concept, no success metrics were captured.


More research would have been a good idea, but with the owner's limited time range for this concept and it just being an idea for the future, the research could be done at a later date should he so choose. Looking back, I would have also prioritized the layout of the individual business listing a bit more, it was a bit rushed and I would have liked to spend more time determining what info should have been shown/left out on the quick summary vs the actual in depth listing/page for the experience

Next Steps

Should the owner reach back out about continuing to implement the function, we can discuss how best to break down the task to accomplish it within a reasonable timeline.